Book list app
Launch book appThis Book Recommendation App is for anyone needing a list of books in a particular genre. Select a genre from the choices. Click the generated link to access the GoodReads list. This project was coded with HTML &CSS.
Quilting app
Launch quilting appIf you are interested in learning more about quilting, this app will be very useful. It offers helpful links to quilting resources which include videos, instructional blogs & online shops. This project was coded with HTML &CSS.
Weather app
Launch weather appThe app uses the SheCodes weather API to display the current temperature, time, weather conditions, humidity & wind using imperial measurements. The 5-day forecast displays high/low temps & conditions. This project was coded with HTML, CSS & Javascript.
Cocktail recipe app
Launch cocktail appSearch for cocktail recipes by ingredient or name. The recipes are populated by the API Ninja's Cocktail API. Choose between light or dark mode. This project was coded with HTML, CSS & Javascript.
World clock app
Launch world clock appThis app will show you the local time and a few cities around the world. The dropdown menu will display the time for Boston, Kapalua, Rome & Thessaloniki. This project was coded with HTML, CSS & Javascript.
AI poetry app
Launch AI poetry appDo you need a poem intended for a younger audience? Take advantage of this AI powered app to find a poem about a topic of your choice. Most Poems rhyme and range from five to eight lines. This project was coded with HTML, CSS & Javascript.
Pet adoption landing page
Launch pet adoption pageIf you are thinking about adopting a new pet, explore this responsive landing page highlighting a few animal rescues/shelters. This project was coded with HTML and CSS.